Making aComplaint
This policy is for complaints or feedback about the level of service provided, CILA employees behaviour (including our Executive Director and Executive Committtee) and our polices and processes. If you wish to make a complaint about a member of the Institute please refer to our 'Advice for Policy Holders' page.
We recognise the importance of feedback from complaints, compliments and other comments. Using this feedback can help us to get things right in the future and to continually improve. We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction with our services.
We take every complaint and comment seriously and we are committed to addressing any issues that are leading to complaints.
Giving Feedback or Raising a Complaint
You can raise a complaint or give feedback by emailing or by writing to CILA, 18th Floor, 100 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4AG.
We will reply to all feedback or complaints within 5 working days of receipt and usually provide a full answer. Where further investigation is required and we are unable to respond within 5 working days, you will be given a deadline by which a full reply will be provided. If we are unable to resolve your complaint satisfactorily our Complaints Policy includes an escalation process where your complaint will be reviewed by a more senior member of the team. If your complaint is escalated, we will send you an acknowledgement and respond fully within 14 working days. If this is not possible, we will provide an update on current progress and an expected resolution date.
If you’re dissatisfied with how your complaint was handled
If, after your complaint has been fully investigated and escalated, you believe we have not handled your complaint fairly or in an appropriate manner you can raise your concerns to our President of the Institute by emailing or by writing to the CILA office.
Please mark the email or letter for the attention of the President of the CILA, and your email should include; your preferred contact telephone number, a suggestion of what you would like us to do to put things right, and a copy of the previous communications you have had with us.
We will send you an acknowledgement and respond fully within 14 working days or, if this is not possible, provide an update on current progress and an expected resolution date.