Head of Forensic Accounting Services
Sedgwick - Asia

Aruna is Head of Forensic Accounting Services in Asia. Joining Sedgwick from a forensic accounting firm, she has 20 years’ experience working in the insurance industry. She is dual-qualified as a Chartered Loss Adjuster and Accountant. Aruna is CILA’s Honorary Treasurer and chairperson of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjuster’s (CILA) Business Interruption (BI) Special Interest Group (SIG).
Aruna’s views on what motivates her:
“No two claims are ever the same, so I always feel I’m learning something new. Although my role is very much based on numbers, it offers an interesting perspective working across a variety of sectors. I’ve worked with fashion brands, leisure businesses, including gyms, restaurants, hotels and airlines – and an abattoir, which presented its own set of challenges.”
“Although my role is very much based on numbers, it offers an interesting perspective working across a variety of sectors.”
…on how it helps to bring your personality to work:
“There’s often a misconception about my role, and sometimes customers feel it might be an invasion of their personal affairs. This isn’t the case, so it’s important to provide an independent view in a friendly and approachable manner to help and reassure them.”
…on the human element to the work:
“Loss adjusting is a people-focused profession, dealing with many different stakeholders. I think the most important part of our role is being able to communicate effectively and show empathy. Being able to read the situation, and the individuals you’re dealing with helps you consider the bigger picture rather than getting lost in the detail. I usually deal with large corporate organisations, but during the pandemic, we worked with smaller family businesses and people’s livelihoods. We helped hundreds of customers through a tough and emotional time, providing advice and doing our best to ensure they were receiving timely payments. One customer had his own convenience store, and at the end of the case his young daughter wrote me a thank-you card. It can be a very rewarding job.”
“I think the most important part of our role is being able to communicate effectively and show empathy.”
…on the benefits of continued professional development:
“CILA qualifications help provide a well-rounded view of a claim and an understanding of how a policy responds. They also provide context and confidence to explain the basis for decisions made. A lot of knowledge is gained from experience, but studying gives you the case law, background and the technical insight into a case. For qualified professionals, CILA has SIGs comprising experienced people from within the industry who come together and produce technical papers, webinars, seminars, and events. The ongoing CPD really does help with your day-to-day job.”
“A lot of knowledge is gained from experience, but studying gives you the case law, background and the technical insight into a case.”
…on the importance of mentoring and networking:
“Loss adjusting is a small industry and you can build some great connections and relationships with people. I’ve met many people through the CILA network, and at Sedgwick also, where the senior management are very supportive and there’s a real team culture. It’s important for women in any industry to have role models and this is especially true of the insurance industry, which was seen as traditionally male-dominated. I’ve been very fortunate in that respect, receiving huge support and encouragement from senior females in the industry. Of course, many men have helped me too – there are so many people within our network who want to see you do well and progress. I do my best to encourage our younger team members, and I’d like to think that one day I could be a mentor to other women working in our field.”
“It’s important for women in any industry to have role models and this is especially true of the insurance industry, which was seen as traditionally male-dominated. I’ve been very fortunate in that respect, receiving huge support and encouragement from senior females in the industry.”