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Welcome back

If you were previously a CILA member and would like to re-join the Institute, please contact the Institute team via email at info@cila.co.uk and provide your full name and date of birth.

We will contact you within 10 working days to confirm whether we have found your previous membership record and to advise on the next steps for you to re-join the Institute.

Reactivating your previous membership record (rather than creating a new record) means that any historic exam or qualification progress can be taken into account.

There is a £25 re-join fee which is applicable to all memberships that have either lapsed or terminated.

Can I renew at anytime?

Lapsed members can renew their membership at any point but the examinations and qualifications will be taken into account on a case by case basis.

All memberships which have been lapsed or terminated are subject to a re-join fee, which is £25.

Is there a fee to renew?

When your account has successfully reactivated you will be required to pay the annual subscription fee for that year.