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Join us as an Ordinary Member if you work within in a loss adjusting practice, firm or company.

An Ordinary Member has immediate access to our examinations, CILA library, technical papers, Newsletter and a host of other benefits. Completing a CILA qualification will elevate their membership to a Cert-CILA or Dip-CILA depending on the completed level. Members who complete the ACS qualification will receive the designatory letters ACILA after 3-5 years of experience in a loss adjusting practice, firm or company.

Joining Fee: £25
Annual Subscription: £80


Join us as an Student Member if you do not work within in a loss adjusting practice, firm or company.

This membership is offered to those who work, or wish to work, in claims but do not currently work in a loss adjusting firm. A Student Member has the same benefits as Ordinary members i.e. immediate access to our examinations, CILA library, technical papers, Newsletter and a host of other benefits.

There are two main distinctions between Student Membership and Ordinary Membership.

Student Members are required to:

  • Attempt a CILA examination within two years of joining the institute. Failure to do so will result in a loss of membership status. Completing a CILA qualification will elevate their membership to a Cert-CILA or Dip-CILA depending on the completed level.
  • Upon completing the ACS qualification they will receive the MCILA designation and are not considered Chartered or a voting member. MCILA’s can convert to ACILA after completing 5 years in Loss Adjusting practice, firm or company.

Joining Fee: £25
Annual Subscription: £80


Qualified Members are Student or Ordinary members who have completed a qualification of CILA and have elevated. Qualified memberships include:

  • Certificate – Cert-CILA
  • Diploma – Dip-CILA
  • Advanced Diploma – AdvDip-CILA

Qualified Members retain their membership status and letters so long as they complete their Annual CPD requirements and annual renewal of membership.

Certificate: £118 annual subscription
Diploma: £155 annual subscription
Advanced Diploma: £200 annual subscription

Associate & Certified

Associate Members are Ordinary members who have completed the ACS qualification and have reached ACILA status. ACILA members are considered voting members of the Institute and are invited to attend our AGM to make decisions on the direction and operation of The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters.

Certified Members are Student Members who have completed the ACS qualification and have reached MCILA status. MCILA members can convert to ACILA after completing 3-5 years of experience in a loss adjusting practice, firm or company.

Annual Subscription from Jan 2024: £390


The CILA Fellow membership grade is available to Associates who have completed 5 years of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in a role where their predominant activity is the investigation, management, quantification, validation and resolution of Property, Casualty or any other losses.

Annual Subscription from Jan 2024: £390

Elevation to Fellow admin fee: £100


Members at Associate or Fellow level who have fully retired from their careers may wish to take retirement status at CILA. As a retired member you may continue to use your designatory letters, but not for the purpose of obtaining any form of gainful employment.

Annual payment: £25